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Climate change is changing our world

From sea level rise to severe weather events, it’s impacting everyone, everywhere. And with GHG emissions still rising, it’s predicted to get worse.

Someone has to do something.

Someone has to do something.

In fact, we all have to do something. It's only through a coordinated effort by everyone that we are going to get out of this mess.

We need government to set policies that set the playing field for decarbonisation.

We need companies to improve their impact, then contribute to environmental projects that improve the worlds impact.

And we need communities to support climate action and preference products and services that reduce their impact on climate.


Our mission
True climate impact for all

Inspire and enable everyone, everywhere to solve climate change. And ensure we all enjoy the benefits this better world brings.


Our Big Goal
Put 100+ Gigatonnes of carbon back in its place

Or keep it there.

A world without climate change is better for everyone.

A world without climate change is better for everyone.

It has more nature that is good for people and animals. It has infinite energy that costs less and keeps the air clean, which is good for everyone's health. It creates economic opportunities through incredible innovation.

It's a better place to live, so we're in business to make it happen.

Explore our timeline

More about South Pole



South Pole has over 800 employees in 20+ countries. We partner with on the ground operations and organisations in many more to deliver world-class climate projects.



Meet our CEO, Chair, Board, Advisory Board and team of world leading impact investors that drive South Pole’s success.

Our commitment to integrity

Our commitment to integrity

Discover how South Pole drives integrity in the carbon market with robust risk management, enhanced quality controls, and strict compliance protocols. Learn about our commitment to transparency and ethical practices.

Who we work with

Why South Pole?

Unique experience

With over 18 years experience, we can help you navigate challenges and changes in the market.

Specialist expertise

Climate is not something we do, it's what we do.

Global presence

With offices and representations in over 30 countries, we think global and act local.

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