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Nordic Platform for Mobilising Climate Finance

The climate issue is real and climate action is needed. The Nordic Platform for Mobilising Climate Finance was a discussion forum on climate finance by Nordic governments, investors, corporates, civil society and more.

South Pole, in collaboration with Gaia Consulting, coordinated the Nordic Platform for Mobilising Climate Finance in 2020

Tackling climate risk is becoming more relevant than ever. Recent developments in the Nordics prove that the region is eager to lead by example as a global pioneer in taking climate action and addressing climate finance issues. An example is the 2019 Nordic Prime Minister's Declaration of a Climate Neutral Nordics.

The Nordic Climate Finance Platform hosted 25+ Nordic companies, investors and thought leaders. Participants aimed to create active dialogue and in-depth discussion on addressing climate-related challenges to help the Nordic corporate and financial sector become a driver of climate-neutral transformation in the region and globally.

What did the Platform do?

The Platform, managed by South Pole and in collaboration with Gaia, was a stage for discussion, sharing of best practices and peer-to-peer learning. It distilled guidelines to support Nordic governments in creating a climate-compatible corporate and financial environment. The Platform hosted a webinar series, see more information below.


Nordic Investor Webinars

supported by:

Enabling environment

Climate-related investment strategy

Debt opportunities

Climate risk and data


Nordic Corporate Webinars

Target setting and reduction roadmap

Low carbon supply chains

Physical and Transition risks



Outcomes of the Nordic Platform for Mobilising Climate Finance

The webinars detailed above led to a wide array of discussions and learnings amongst the diverse set of stakeholders. Download our report to find out more.


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Find out more

South Pole, in collaboration with Gaia Consulting, coordinated the Nordic Platform for Mobilising Climate Finance in 2020 under the auspices of the Nordic Climate and Air Pollution Group (NKL) and Nordic Council of Ministers. If you have any questions or comments please reach out to:

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