CDP, the world's premier sustainability reporting and benchmarking initiative published the first global assessment of corporate efforts in tackling water security today. The Global Water Report 2015 presents the joint work of CDP and South Pole Group on evaluating the water management practices of 400 companies operating in the most water dependent industry sectors. Using CDP's publicly available water scoring methodology, the evaluation has considered the comprehensiveness of each company's water risk assessments and response strategies, and whether these are factored into business planning.
"Acting as CDP's lead scoring partner has offered us unique insights to the current global state of corporate water management", says Renat Heuberger, CEO at South Pole Group. "Building on both our long-standing knowledge in climate change mitigation interventions and close work with CDP, we can firmly conclude that a water stewardship approach offers clear benefits to companies, especially to those most at risk. It is now up to companies to capitalise on these opportunities and get ready for a water-scarce future."
Read the full media release here [add link to release once live].