Brazil has the greatest concentration of biodiversity on the entire planet – its abundant life forms represent 20% of all Earth’s known species. Yet Brazil’s rich Amazonian rainforests still face alarming rates of deforestation – a particular issue for the Southern Amazon, where low governance and encroaching infrastructure leave the area vulnerable to deforestation, primarily from beef cattle ranching and timber harvesting.
provided to all employees by the project proponent, negating the need for fishing and hunting within the project area
provided for employees with the National Industry Service or Tropical Forest Institute covers reduced impact logging, first aid, and firefighting
created by the project are boosting the local economy and regional development
reduced on average annually, through avoided deforestation and forest carbon stock maintenance
of Amazon rainforest protected–home to 345 birds (including 3 vulnerable species) and 8 vulnerable or endangered mammal species
Straddling the border between Brazil’s Amazonas and Acre States, the project comprises a single property, Fazenda Seringal Novo Macapá. It protects a vast swathe of the Southwestern Amazon from deforestation under a sustainable forest management plan (SFMP). Certified by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), the SFMP is a tool for conservation and forest carbon stock maintenance to reduce deforestation rates.
As well as reducing emissions through prevented deforestation, the project is registered under the Social Carbon Standard, certifying positive community and environmental impacts. The project activities support social programmes like environmental education for surrounding communities, and there’s a focus on maintaining local traditional culture. There are also economic benefits for the region – the project’s management and industrial activities generate a wealth of employment opportunities for local people.
The information here is for informational purposes only and provided on a non-reliance basis. For more information, click here.