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How can the private sector accelerate investments in plastic waste management infrastructure?

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Join this webinar to learn how to effectively fund plastic action by building plastic waste infrastructure at scale.

Everyday, 4,000 tons of waste are produced in Nairobi, Kenya, of which 77% is burned or illegally dumped. Only 5-10% of plastics are recycled in Kenya and large parts of the country's plastic waste ends in the natural environment. TakaTaka Solutions is one of South Pole's flagship projects that collects and recycles hard-to-process plastic waste in Kenya. Through its collection and recycling activities, it operates buy-back centers, takes care of 5,000 tons of plastic waste each year and creates 300 new jobs with safe working conditions and fair wages.

This 45 minute webinar will be led by plastic project sourcing expert from South Pole's Global circular economy team and the project owner of the TakaTaka Solutions project in Nairobi, Kenya.

You will learn:

  • Why companies need to urgently dial up plastic action finance
  • How companies can support and invest in high integrity plastic action
  • How the project TakaTaka Solutions is improving worker livelihoods while building the infrastructure for a circular economy in Kenya


  • Introduction to webinar
  • Exploring plastic action: What makes credible plastic action & the certification standards ensuring integrity
  • Meet TakaTaka Solutions: Hear from our project partner about their work to address plastic waste in Kenya
  • Open Q&A
When 25 October 2023
Where Online (Webinar)

Our speakers:

Emilie Devenport

Emilie Devenport

Managing Consultant and Plastic Project Sourcing Lead, South Pole
Daniel Paffenholz

Daniel Paffenholz

CEO, Taka Taka Solutions

Watch our webinar recording

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