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Community Forest Protection

Preserving Guinea-Bissau’s unique ecosystems to cut greenhouse gas emissions and develop sustainable livelihoods

Community Forest Protection

Guinea-Bissau, a tropical country on West Africa’s Atlantic coast harbours a rich variety of ecosystems and wildlife, including vast areas of mangroves and terrestrial forests that serve as precious carbon sinks. Mangroves are particularly powerful in sucking up CO2, storing what is often referred to as ‘Blue Carbon’ in their roots, branches and soil. Yet despite its wealth of natural resources Guinea-Bissau is one of the poorest countries in the world, with more than 70 percent of the country’s population living below the poverty line. The majority of households in Guinea-Bissau are food-insecure, with political instability and increasingly volatile weather conditions severely compounding these social problems. 


Sustainable Development Goals

4. Quality Education

400+ people trained

within forestry, fishing and technical programs

13. Climate Action

920,000 tonnes of CO2e  

reduced on average each year

15. Life on land

145,698 hectares  

of forest protected

17. Partnerships for the goals

International cooperation and partnerships  

fostered thanks to the support of the World Bank and its partners (GEF)  

The Solution

Coastal ecosystems, such as those found in Guinea-Bissau, are being cleared and degraded three times faster than forests. When this happens, these ecosystems turn from vital carbon sinks into major producers of GHG emissions. As the first REDD+ project of its kind in the country, this project aims to protect the country’s unique ecosystems while simultaneously reducing GHGs and contributing towards sustainable development in the region. Alleviating poverty within the country is a key goal, with the project aiming to create sustainable jobs that benefit both the Guinean people and their natural environment.


The Impact

Through a community-based approach the project aims to empower locals in the long-term conservation of Guinea-Bissau’s ecosystems. Spanning across the Cacheu Mangrove Forest National Park and the Cantanhez Forest National Park, the project combines traditional park management practices, such as surveillance, enforcement and fire control, with a participatory management model. By providing tangible benefits to participating communities, the project aims to halt deforestation while contributing towards sustainable livelihoods which provide food security and contribute towards alleviating poverty.

Project ID: 303713
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