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Renewable Energy Solutions

Accelerate your transition to renewables, aligning with global green ambitions and ensuring energy security.

Switching to renewable energy is one of the fastest ways to cut your carbon footprint.

Moreover, in an increasing volatile market it can also be a smart way to hedge against rising costs, and guarantee energy security.

Our full suite of renewable energy solutions support your company to transition to renewable energy. This involves performing a detailed assessment of global and local energy policies and assessing different options for renewable energy procurement, such as EACs, biogas certificates, PPAs and more. With a well-established network in the renewable energy sector, and a proven track record across both mature and developing energy markets, we will help you select and implement the most cost-effective solutions.


Video - South Pole, your partner in renewable energy success

South Pole provides expert guidance to businesses navigating the complexities of sourcing renewable energy. Watch our video to find out more.

Ready to get started?

Build the foundation for your climate strategy and climate transition today.
Build the foundation for your climate strategy and climate transition today.

✓ Tailored to your business requirements

✓ Advice from leading subject matter experts

✓ Full service offering

Why choose South Pole as a trusted partner?

Impartial, independent advice

We are an impartial, independent advisor that has supported clients on their climate action strategy for over 17 years.

Experienced and committed team

Our experienced and committed team of passionate experts have global experience and specialised regional market knowledge.

Solid track record

We have a solid track record, having been trusted by 1000+ corporations.

Achieve your climate ambition with South Pole today

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Skyla Rabadi, Key Account Manager
Contact us today

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Your Climate Journey

Your Climate Journey

Our climate journey enables businesses to achieve their climate ambitions using a comprehensive 5 step strategy. Whatever your climate challenge, our world-leading consultants can help you solve it.

Emission Reduction Activities

Emission Reduction Activities

Rising emissions are driving this climate crisis, and the window of time we have to reduce them is rapidly shortening. Meaning businesses must take decisive action today and we can help them.

Decarbonise your supply chain and reduce scope 3 emissions

Decarbonise your supply chain and reduce scope 3 emissions

Take control of Scope 3 emissions and decarbonise your supply chain. Measure, reduce, and track emissions while engaging suppliers with expert guidance and our tools.

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