

Tipo de proyecto

Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible

7. Energía asequible y no contaminante

21,000 MWh

of electricity generated on average each year

8. Trabajo decente y crecimiento económic

12 jobs

created thanks to the project

12. Producción y consumo responsables

107,000 tonnes of CO2e

reduced on average per year thanks to the project

La solución

Located in the province of Hunan in China, this project aims to treat methane emissions, derived from landfill sites, that would be released to the atmosphere. By converting the emissions into electricity the project supplies energy to the national grid which powers households and businesses across the region. 

Image credit: Canva
Image credit: Canva

El impacto

The project reduces greenhouse gas emissions both by preventing the release of  landfill-derived methane into the environment but additionally through displacing the use of fossil-fuel derived energy from the grid. As methane is incredibly flammable, the project simulatenously provides an environmentally sound solution to minimising explosion risks at the landfill site, protecting the safety and wellbeing of workers at the site. Numerous employment opportunities are created through the project, boosting the sustainable job sector and economic productivity of the area.

Project ID: 302729
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