

Tipo de proyecto
Afforestation, Reforestation Revegetation (ARR)
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Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible

1. Fin de la pobreza

10,400+ people

benefit from direct employment and livelihood enhancement programmes

2. Hambre cero

8,900+ people

benefit from reduced living costs and employment opportunities, reducing hunger in the project area

3. Salud y bienestar

43,000 people

are expected to have access to better health services thanks to the project

4. Educación de calidad

34,400 community members

are expected to have improved skills and/or knowledge resulting from training provided as part of project activities

5. Igualdad de género

Women are empowered

through the creation of a dedicated forum for addressing social and development problems as well as from trainings on topics such as crab farming, handcrafts making, sewing, sanitation or midwifery

6. Agua limpia y saneamiento

43,000 people

are expected to experience increased water quality and/or improved access to drinking water as a result of project activities

7. Energía asequible y no contaminante

Access to clean energy

will be implemented through the provision of solar energy to selected communities, especially those living in the creeks

8. Trabajo decente y crecimiento económic

1,000 community members

employed full-time through the project activities

10. Reducción de las desigualdades

3,600+ people

benefit from improved agriculture, livestock management & fisheries programme

13. Acción por el clima

2,400,000 tonnes of CO2e reduced

on average each year thanks to the project

14. Vida submarina

Marine species protected

including the river dolphin, Indian pangolin, and fishing cat, thanks to sustainable fisheries and the implementation of relevant sea laws 

15. Vida de ecosistemas terrestres

224,997 hectares of mangroves

restored and protected thanks to the project

16. Paz, justicia e instituciones sólidas

13 women organisations

formed and consulted

La solución

Spanning across an area of 350,000 hectares in the Sindh Indus Delta Region of southeastern Pakistan, the project works with local communities to restore what has been lost of the mangrove forests in the region. In partnership with multiple stakeholders including the Sindh government, the project ensures that 5,000 neighbouring households are directly supported and participate in the planting of the planned quarter of a million hectares of mangroves in the area. 

Image credit: Unsplash
Image credit: Unsplash

El impacto

By the end of 2020, 75,000 hectares of mangroves were already planted in the project area, with the aim to continue at the same rate with the same success. Community members are trained and employed as mangrove stewards, with priority given to women. The replenished mangroves help to ease coastal erosion and buffer against climactic impacts such as storms and rising sea levels. In addition, the project aims to make the villages’ main income source – fishing – become more sustainable.

Project ID: 303923
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