

Tipo de proyecto

Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible

11. Ciudades y comunidades sostenibles

Direct economic loss in relation to global GDP, damage to critical infrastructure and number of disruptions to basic services, attributed to disasters

Protecting assets (land, infrastructure and livestock/agricultural products) due to reduced incidents of fire. 

13. Acción por el clima

66,498 tonnes of CO2e abatement expected over the project lifetime  

Avoided emissions from late dry season fires between 2015-2036 by implementing traditional savanna fire management practices in the early dry season

15. Vida de ecosistemas terrestres

Ecological protection

Plant and animal populations are protected from the high intensity of wildfires. Low intensity fires are easier to recover from and have smaller impact on food availability and reproduction.   

16. Paz, justicia e instituciones sólidas

Inclusion of traditional owners and their knowledge

Mainoru contracts Firesticks to create annual fire management plans and conduct planned early dry season burns. Firesticks is an Indigenous-run organisation that provides cultural burning services to landowners in Northern Australia. This allows Indigenou

17. Alianzas para lograr los objetivos

Encouraging engagement

Partnerships and agreements between landholders, South Pole and their implementation partner (Firesticks) to achieve emission reductions and biodiversity conservation goals   

La solución

The Mainrou Fire Management project, situated closely to Katherine in Northern Australia, aims to prevent the spread of uncontrolled wildfires through evidence based ‘savanna burning’ techniques. Through the use of prescribed fires in the early dry season, the project helps to prevent the release of large volumes of greenhouse gases (GHG) that are released later in the year due to uncontrolled burning. Mainoru’s landowners, a family that have lived in the area for generations, have been conducting fire management activities for the last 10 years and have successfully reduced emissions every year since 2011.


El impacto

A plethora of benefits can be realised through the project, with the most obvious being the reduction of significant quantities of GHGs which helps in combating global climate change at large. At a local and regional level, the project effectively protects essential infrastructure, cultural sites and biodiversity that are threatened by wildfires in the area. Additionally, by providing carbon finance to local landowners, the project provides support in ongoing conservation management.

Project ID: 303245
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