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Regenerative Agriculture & Food Summit USA 2023

Join us March 28 - 29 2023 as we bring the industry together with one unified mission – to accelerate the transition to regenerative agriculture to build a more abundant and resilient food system for generations to come!

Join food and beverage brands, ingredient suppliers, food producers, supply chain monitoring platforms, AgTech companies, and consultants to tackle the challenges and identify the opportunities in harnessing the full potential of regenerative agriculture practices in the food industry.

Our mission is to bring together all stakeholders and be a neutral platform that enables open, constructive, and educational discussions to further progress toward the transition to regenerative practices. We believe everyone deserves a seat at the table and that the best way to effectively bring about change is through peer-to-peer sharing, partnership, and collaboration.

Join us March 28 - 29 2023 as we bring the industry together with one unified mission – to accelerate the transition to regenerative agriculture to build a more abundant and resilient food system for generations to come!

Nick Betts, Senior Managing Consultant, Agricultural Value Chains at South Pole will be facilitating a round table discussion: Double Counting: Keeping Carbon within your Supply Chain on March 28 at 3:35pm.

When 28-29 March 2023
Where Chicago, IL
Available Languages