Jeanette Gurung

Jeanette Gurung

Jeannette Gurung is the founder and Executive Director of Women Organizing for Change in Agriculture and Natural Resource Management (WOCAN), who initiated the W+ Standard in 2014 after being inspired by carbon standards and schemes that put a value on environmental goods and shared benefits with communities who assured environmental protection. She is a forester and gender and development expert whose career has focused on leading organizational change for gender equality within agriculture and natural resource management organizations in Asia and Africa. Jeannette's expertise is in certification and standards, monitoring and evaluation, training, research, gender and organizational analysis, policy advocacy and network building.She served as co-leader of The Forest Dialogue Steering Committee, Advisor to the Gold Standard Climate Smart Agriculture Panel and Fair Trade Carbon Group of Experts, and FAO's Policy Committee on Incentives for Ecosystem Services. Most recently, she was engaged in the UNFCCC's Expert Group on Gender and Climate.

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