This webinar discusses efforts to implement the TCFD recommendations, such as advanced disclosure and climate risk management. It focuses on opportunities for companies as they move from talk to action, and what this means for the achievement of the 2°C target.
Since the release of its final recommendations in June 2017, the TCFD has received endorsements from more than 100 companies with $11 trillion of assets.
The TCFD addresses concerns in the financial community that assets are being mispriced because the full extent of climate risk is not being factored in, threatening market stability. The task force proposes that financial institutions, companies at large and governments should disclose their governance around climate risks and opportunities and the actual and potential impacts of those risks and opportunities on operations, strategy and financial planning, taking into account a global climate pact to limit global average temperature rise to below 2 degrees Celsius.
The webinar will give data-based insights on how organisations can implement the TCFD's recommendations.
For more information and to sign up, please click here,