Valencia Institute of Building, together with international partners South Pole, Climate-KIC, EnerFund and IVE, is inviting you to a workshop on the retrofitting of public buildings. The workshop session will take place during the Innovative approaches to accelerate energy renovation of buildings event.
In the EU buildings are responsible for 40% of energy consumption. Most European cities have a large existing building stock that does not meet current energy efficiency targets. The results are high GHG emissions and costs for electricity, heating and cooling. Technologies to retrofit buildings are available, however, the current rate of retrofitting is very low.
EU Public Building Retrofit Platform, EU-PUBREP, aims to develop a platform that accelerates the rate of retrofitting of public buildings in Europe, especially in Southern and Eastern EU member states. The platform will help to improve knowledge sharing of best practices on public building retrofit and to develop new solutions for the upscaling of public building retrofits, such as country-specific guidelines on green building procurement.
EU-PUBREP is a Climate-KIC project, which is aligned with and supported by the LoCaL (Low Carbon City Lab) flagship programme. EIT Climate-KIC is the EU's largest public-private partnership addressing climate change through innovation, comprised of over 250 leading partners from business, academia, the public sector and NGOs. Climate-KICs goal is to contribute to creating a prosperous, inclusive, climate resilient society with a circular, zerocarbon economy. LoCaL is a Climate-KIC flagship programme that focuses on unlocking climate finance for cities. The programme focuses on training and capacity building, project acceleration and investment mechanisms.
What to expect?
This workshop will enable sharing and learning from other experiences, good practices on the energy renovation of buildings, and discussions on the need of specific platforms and tools to boost the energy renovation of public buildings, as well as green procurement guidelines.
Please register for the event here.