Financez l'action climatique, contribuez à la neutralité carbone globale et soutenez des projets d'adaptation et de résilience face au changement climatique.
South Pole Carbon at the Latin American Carbon Forum in Rio
27 Août 2013
par South Pole GroupActualités
Don't miss our forestry experts on the panel:
The New Carbon Trading Map: Overviews and Explanations of Emerging Carbon Markets
with Pablo Llopis Benito, our Director Latin American Carbon Markets, on day 2, 4:45 pm.
Harnessing Public and Private Finance for the Development and Implementation of Mitigation Actions (NAMAs)
with Manuel Cocco, our Manager Climate Change Policy Development, on day 2, 4:45 pm.
New Financial Mechanisms for REDD+: Experiences in Latin America
with Florian Reimer, Forestry Project Manager, on day 3, 11:45 am.