
Ferme éolienne de Bac Lieu

Exploiter l'éolien côtier pour alimenter le Vietnam en énergie propre

Viet Nam
Ferme éolienne de Bac Lieu
Viet Nam
Type de projet
Wind power
Gold Standard CDM Gold Standard 4 Global Goals Gold Standard + CDM

Objectifs de développement durable

1. Pas de pauvreté

1. Pas de pauvreté

7. Energie propre et d’un coût abordable

Affordable and Clean Energy

7. Energie propre et d’un coût abordable

8. Travail décent et croissance économique

Decent Work and Economic Growth

8. Travail décent et croissance économique

13. Mesures relatives à la lutte contre les changements climatiques

Climate Action

13. Mesures relatives à la lutte contre les changements climatiques

15. Vie terrestre

15. Vie terrestre

Le projet

The Bac Lieu wind farm involves 62 wind turbines installed in two phases, each with a capacity of 1.6 MW, resulting in a total installed capacity of 99.2 MW. The project generates approximately 327,826 MWh of clean electricity on average annually, which is fed into the national grid. It contributes to bridging the supply-demand electricity gap, and is an important investment for Vietnams renewable energy supply strategy.


Les résultats

The Bac Lieu project has created over 100 steady jobs for the operation of the wind farm and supports the local community by funding social activities like sports and cultural events. The project also contributes to charity funds such as Fund for the Poor and Fund for Farmers, which improve services in surrounding areas, and tree planting activities promote regional biodiversity. The success of the project helps boost Bac Lieus provincial economy, as it will pay an annual tax to the local and State budget. It also paves the way for similar wind power projects in the region and the construction of an upgraded power transmission line reduces electricity losses and improves the local electricity supply.

Project ID: 301244
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