South Pole Group experts joined ZEW environmental economists at the side event "Energy Savings in Housing" alongside the official negotiations at the UN World Climate Change Conference (COP23) in Bonn.
The event was a lively discussion with diverse contributions from behavioural research, the corporate sector and consumer centres.
An environmental psychologist from the University of Groningen, environmental economists from the ZEW and the University of Münster, as well as representatives of the sustainability service provider South Pole Group, the software company Microsoft and the consumer centre North Rhine-Westphalia presented and discussed different challenges, methods and behaviours for energy saving in households.
In the light of the rapidly progressing digitization of the energy sector, the side event was able to provide exciting impulses for decision-makers and consumers. Together, the participants came to the conclusion that consumers as well as the regulatory framework play a key role in raising the technical potential.
This article has been translated from German and shortened for length. Read the original full length article here.