Protecting two globally recognised ecosystems of exceptional biodiversity
The project lies within a corridor between two eco-regions of significant global importance: the eastern foothills of the tropical Andes and the Great Wild Area of the Amazon, in the lowland areas of the Amazonian Andes. Here, the main drivers of deforestation include clearing land for pasture, industrial crops, illicit coca plantations and mining. These activities have become prevalent due to the lack of alternative economic opportunities in the region and are putting increasing pressure on the land and local wildlife.
To learn more about the Sustainable Development Goals verified by the standard for this project, please check the project's registry link above.
Located in the Mariscal Cáceres Province, in central-north Peru, the project spans over 53,000 hectares. The protected area forms part of a vast wildlife corridor, the Abiseo- Cóndor-Kutukú Corridor, which extends from Sangay National Park in Ecuador to the Cordillera Azul National Park in Perú. The project aims to reduce emissions associated with deforestation and land degradation, by working with the local community to implement sustainable initiatives, such as organic honey and quinoa production, effective land management, environmental education and strengthening local governance. Another core aim of the project is to maintain the water balance of the upper basin of the Huayabamba River, which supplies water for families living further downstream.
By encouraging local families to grow quinoa, an ancient and highly nutritious Andean grain, we aim to provide an alternative to cattle ranching, which is degrading the ecosystems of the High Andes.
Carlos Correa, Quinoa producer and technician at the Alto Huayabamba project, Productor de Quinoa y técnico en el proyecto de Alto Huayabamba
The project reduces greenhouse gases in the atmosphere by preventing deforestation and instead conserving natural ecosystems to boost carbon sequestration. By protecting the Alto Huayabamba area, the project protects many endemic and threatened animal species–like the critically endangered yellow-tailed woolly monkey– but also the services that strong and healthy ecosystems provide, in this case, filtering freshwater from the Huayabamba River. Working hand-in-hand with the local community, there are also a number of social and economic initiatives that benefit families living in the area. So far, two productive associations have been formed: one for quinoa and the other for honey. Multiple community members have also participated in different environmental education activities and 24 families have had their kitchens renovated, reducing their exposure to harmful smoke. On top of this, the project has offered a number of new jobs to local people.
We are alleviating pressure on the habitat of endemic, threatened wildlife like the yellow-tailed woolly monkey. We also prevent people from burning the high mountain grasslands or hunting of species such as deer and spectacled bears.
Marco Gutierrez, Head of the Concesión para Conservación Alto Huayabamba (CCAH), Jefe de la Concesión para Conservación Alto Huayabamba (CCAH)
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