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A Quick Guide to Supply Chain Decarbonisation

A Quick Guide to Supply Chain Decarbonisation

A 15-minute read where we explain what a supply chain is and show you steps on how to engage with your suppliers to reduce your emissions.

Scope 3 emissions represent a significant amount of your company's total GHG emissions.

These emissions must be reduced for your company to meet its emission reduction targets and reach net zero emissions. The challenge is that these emissions are not in your company's direct control. They are generated by others, including your suppliers.

As such, it is important to work with your suppliers to reduce their emissions. This South Pole 'Quickguide' is designed to help you do just that and, in doing so, reduce your organisation's emissions.

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Scope 3 emissions represent a significant amount of your company's total GHG emissions.

These emissions must be reduced for your company to meet its emission reduction targets and reach net zero emissions. The challenge is that these emissions are not in your company's direct control. They are generated by others, including your suppliers.

As such, it is important to work with your suppliers to reduce their emissions. This South Pole 'Quickguide' is designed to help you do just that and, in doing so, reduce your organisation's emissions.

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