In the research for this report, From Liability to Opportunity - Shifting the Energy Landscape in Southeast Asia,, South Pole assessed the policy, finance and market barriers to the deployment and development of clean energy (renewable energy (RE), energy efficiency (EE), energy storage and sustainable transport) across Southeast Asia (SEA), focusing on five target countries: Indonesia, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam.
The insights of this research are derived from a comprehensive synthesis of secondary research and on the results of 40 structured and open interviews with various clean energy project developers, public and private equity, debt and impact investors, international and domestic financial institutions, government representatives, policy experts and clean energy professionals across the region.
This research work was financially supported by the David and Lucile Packard Foundation (Packard Foundation). All opinions highlighted in this report are those of South Pole's.
Download the executive summary below. For further information and to access the full report, please reach out to Ingo Puhl, Director Strategy, South Pole.
Disclaimer: The information contained in this presentation is derived from selected sources the author believes are reasonable. The author does not guarantee its accuracy or completeness and nothing in this document shall be construed to be a representation of such a guarantee. Any opinions expressed reflect the current judgement of the author and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of The David and Lucile Packard Foundation, or any of their affiliates.