Discover how Article 6.2 enables international cooperation and cost-effective solutions for achieving climate goals.
To achieve national climate targets or "NDCs", the Paris Agreement encourages countries to cooperate through carbon trading. IETA estimate that carbon trading under Article 6 mechanisms could cut the expense of achieving climate goals by as much as $250 billion by 2030. This means we could potentially remove 50% more emissions – around 5 gigatons of carbon dioxide annually – without any extra financial burden.
Market-based mechanisms operationalised under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement allow countries to work together in the development of mitigation activities and make international transfers of cost-effective mitigation outcomes. More specifically, Article 6.2 sets up a system where one country can transfer its emission reductions to another, through what is known as Internationally Transferred Mitigation Outcomes (ITMOs).
These trades can be used by the buyer country to fulfil national climate pledges or for other global efforts, like reducing emissions from international aviation under the Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA). Sellers of ITMOs can be governments or businesses alike, while buyers can be governments, airlines, or other businesses and institutions.
South Pole offers a comprehensive, end-to-end suite of solutions to support host countries, buyers and projects developers cooperate under the Article 6.2 of the Paris agreement.
South Pole supports project developers in designing and implementing Article 6.2 mitigation activities, and facilitates cooperation with host country governments and ITMO buyers.
We support governments and international institutions in designing carbon pricing instruments and developing national policies and processes, strategically leveraging Article 6.2 to either secure carbon finance or procure ITMOs to use towards their NDC.
Our global presence and vast experience in carbon asset development enables us to source and procure carbon assets globally, on behalf of our buyers.
The South Pole Article 6 team spearheads ground breaking initiatives across the globe shaping new compliance markets under Article 6. A few examples include:
What does it take to get the first Asian carbon project under Article 6 authorised? Karolien Casaer-Diez, Article 6 expert at South Pole, explains.
For nearly two decades South Pole has advised on the development of over +1000 climate action projects in 50 countries.
South Pole has a large "on the ground" team of experts and advisors in more than 41 locations in the 6 continents.
Our dedicated Article 6 team is composed of a diverse group of policy, commercial and technical experts based across four continents, delivering deep knowledge and expertise, and pioneering some of the first Article 6 deals in world.
We offer an all-encompassing suite of Article 6 solutions, facilitating end-to-end collaboration amongst host countries, project partners and buyers.
South Pole offers a comprehensive, end-to-end suite of solutions to support host countries, buyers and projects developers cooperate under the Article 6.2 of the Paris agreement.