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Climate Funds and Investments

Fund innovative, revolutionary investments that create step change in climate change.

Businesses are increasingly looking to invest their money in ways that will help boost the global transition to net zero.

Climate funds and investments are a key route to achieve this.

We understand how important it is for you that your investment has maximum impact. Our team of finance and investment experts is here to help you partner with some of the leading climate funds around the world to make a real difference.

Want to learn more?

Talk to one of our climate investment experts
Talk to one of our climate investment experts

✓ Global team

✓ Proven track record

✓ Tailored to your business requirements

✓ Advice from leading subject matter experts

✓ Full service offering

Why choose South Pole as a trusted partner?

Impartial, independent advice

We are an impartial, independent advisor that has supported clients on their climate action strategy for over 17 years.

Experienced and committed team

Our experienced and committed team of passionate experts have global experience and specialised regional market knowledge.

Solid track record

We have a solid track record, having been trusted by 1000+ corporations.

Achieve your climate ambition with South Pole today

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Skyla Rabadi, Key Account Manager
Contact us today

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Your Climate Journey

Your Climate Journey

Our climate journey enables businesses to achieve their climate ambitions using a comprehensive 5 step strategy. Whatever your climate challenge, our world-leading consultants can help you solve it.

Action Credits & Strategies

Action Credits & Strategies

The planet is still warming, and it is vital that companies start supporting the global transition to net zero, by engaging with certified projects outside of their own operational remit.

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