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Climate Risks & Opportunities

Assess and manage both physical climate risks and transition risks in line with local and global frameworks to build a resilient, sustainable business.

Climate inaction, extreme weather, and ecosystem collapse are projected as the top global risks for businesses over the next decade, prompting governments worldwide to introduce stricter reporting requirements. Is your business ready to adapt?

We leverage the latest climate data, in line with global frameworks and best practices, to conduct scenario analysis and resilience assessments, identifying critical risks and opportunities within your operations and supply chains. With our support, you'll develop a robust climate transition plan, equipping your business with the right resources to build climate resilience, mitigate risks, and seize new growth opportunities.

A Quick Guide to Climate Transition Plans

A Quick Guide to Climate Transition Plans

Download our 15-minute guide on climate transition plans. Discover how this blueprint for business transformation can drive resilience, innovation, and long-term value while meeting climate regulations.
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Embrace the power of smarter data with Luumo, the digital climate management platform

Luumo simplifies the decarbonization process, allowing you to measure your carbon footprint in weeks, not months, visualize your emissions in real time, and collaborate with our climate experts to craft tailored reduction roadmaps and understand your regulatory reporting gaps.

Contact us for a demo today!

Ready to get started?

Build the foundations for your climate strategy today.
Build the foundations for your climate strategy today.

✓ Fast results

✓ Simplified data collection process

✓ Straightforward pricing structures

✓ Advice from leading subject matter experts

✓ Full service offering to meet specific business needs

Why choose South Pole as a trusted partner?

Impartial and independent

We are an impartial, independent advisor that has supported clients on their climate action strategy for over 17 years.

Experienced and committed team

Our experienced and committed team of passionate experts have global experience and specialised regional market knowledge.

Solid track record

We have a solid track record, having been trusted by 1000+ corporations.

Achieve your climate ambition with South Pole today

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Sarah Bonham, Practice Lead, Climate Risks & Opportunities
Contact us today

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Your Climate Journey

Your Climate Journey

Our climate journey enables businesses to achieve their climate ambitions using a comprehensive 5 step strategy. Whatever your climate challenge, our world-leading consultants can help you solve it.

Environmental Footprint

Environmental Footprint

Measure your environmental footprint and lay the foundation for a meaningful climate strategy.

Disclosure and Reporting

Disclosure and Reporting

Get ahead of key reporting and compliance initiatives, increase internal awareness and boost external reputation.

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