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Deforestation- and Conversion-free Supply Chains

All companies rely on natural resources. Safeguarding the integrity of forests and forested landscapes is critical to ensuring your business can continue in a changing world while complying with emerging regulations.

The Forests, Land and Agriculture (FLAG) sector accounts for up a large part of global greenhouse gas emissions - and is the single largest driver of deforestation and land conversion.

In their intact state, however, forests play a vital role in removing carbon from the atmosphere and keeping it locked up.

Yet, agriculture is driving the majority of global deforestation today, much of this occurring in the tropics. Companies purchasing primary deforestation-linked commodities like beef, cocoa, coffee, palm oil, and timber-based products are facing increasing exposure to regulatory and stakeholder pressure, to eliminate deforestation from their supply chains.

Our services

Being at the forefront of developing nature-based solutions, South Pole’s experts support companies in developing and implementing deforestation- and conversion-free (DCF) strategies and commitments. Helping them to comply with regulations such as the European Union’s Deforestation-free Regulations (EUDR), and report on their performance against made pledges.

Identify risk exposure and potential impacts

Assess deforestation and conversion risk exposure to your company and supply chain. Prepare you for regulatory compliance with e.g. EUDR, US FOREST ACT, CSDDD.

Set commitments, targets, and milestones

Define ambitions and goals to set priorities, targets and milestones. To underpin these steps, design procurement policies including supplier requirements.

Build a deforestation- and conversion-free roadmap and action plans

Build a deforestation- and conversion-free roadmap and action plan, covering strategic implementation actions to engage your supply chain and reach your targets.

Finance deforestation- and conversion-free action

Our financial and investment teams work with clients to mobilise finance for a Net Zero and forest-positive world, to finance forest protection and restoration, improve livelihoods, and safeguard biodiversity.

Monitor and verify

Monitor and verify progress against your set commitments, using a combination of our tried and tested tools in line with recognised international reporting standards.

Assess deforestation and conversion risk exposure to your company and supply chain. Prepare you for regulatory compliance with e.g. EUDR, US FOREST ACT, CSDDD.

Define ambitions and goals to set priorities, targets and milestones. To underpin these steps, design procurement policies including supplier requirements.

Build a deforestation- and conversion-free roadmap and action plan, covering strategic implementation actions to engage your supply chain and reach your targets.

Our financial and investment teams work with clients to mobilise finance for a Net Zero and forest-positive world, to finance forest protection and restoration, improve livelihoods, and safeguard biodiversity.

Monitor and verify progress against your set commitments, using a combination of our tried and tested tools in line with recognised international reporting standards.

Talk to one of our agriculture value chain experts today
Ready to get started?
Talk to one of our agriculture value chain experts today

✓ 10+ years of experience and a proven track record with 250+ unique clients

✓ Global team of experts leading in sustainable agriculture, biodiversity, forest, and water advisory

✓ Tailored to your business requirements

✓ Full-service offering aligned with international best practices and regulatory expectations

Why choose South Pole as a trusted partner?

Impartial, independent advice

We are an impartial, independent advisor that has supported clients on their climate action strategy for over 17 years.

Experienced and committed team

Our experienced and committed team of passionate experts have global experience and specialised regional market knowledge.

Solid track record

We have a solid track record, having been trusted by 1000+ corporations.

Achieve your climate ambition with South Pole today

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Christopher N. H. Schwarz, Global Lead
Contact us today

Everyone's talking about a better world. We're here to help make it happen.


Accountability Framework Initiative (AFi) Delivery Partner Programme

South Pole is a participant in the Accountability Framework Initiative (AFi) Delivery Partner Programme. In consultation with the AFi, South Pole offers services to support companies in applying the Accountability Framework.


The Landscape Resilience Fund (LRF)

The Landscape Resilience Fund (LRF) is an independent Swiss foundation, co-developed by South Pole acting as fund manager, that aims to mobilise USD 100 million by 2026 for climate adaptation projects that support sustainable agricultural and forestry supply chains and that improve the resilience of smallholder farmers in developing countries.

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