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Measure your climate footprint, fast

Easily measure and understand your current GHG footprint through a personalised, interactive dashboard and prepare for mandatory reporting requirements.

Why measure your greenhouse gas (GHG) footprint?

By measuring your footprint with our Fast Footprint solution, you can easily:

  • Understand and inform employees, customers and investors on your company's current environmental performance in scope 1, 2 and 3
  • Comply with mandatory reporting requirements, such as CSRD
  • Address climate change and any significant climate risks to your business

Fast Footprint Solution

Smooth data collection

Benefit from simple data collection and submission methods by learning techniques from our carbon footprinting experts.

Complete scope

Get a full picture of your emission performance across scope 1, 2 and 3, aligned with the latest emission data.

Interactive dashboard

Receive straightforward and accessible results, ready for compliance reporting and sharing with your wider organisation and stakeholders.

How does it work?

  • Identify - Identify boundaries, activities likely to be important, and understand what data is available in a one-hour scoping workshop.
  • Collect - Collect your data clearly-defined process, making data gathering straightforward and time-efficient.
  • Account - Our climate experts run the calculations and analysis to understand your hotspots. We take precautions to counterbalance uncertainties and ensure robust results.
  • Report - Receive your results, including recommendations, in an interactive PowerBi dashboard and insightful report, ready to share with key stakeholders.
An example of your Fast Footprint dashboard

An example of your Fast Footprint dashboard

Why choose South Pole as a trusted partner?

Impartial and independent

We are an impartial, independent advisor that has supported clients on their carbon footprinting for over 15 years.

Experienced and committed

Our experienced and committed team of passionate carbon footprinting experts has global experience and specialised regional market knowledge.

Solid track record

We have a solid track record, having been trusted by numerous multinational corporations to help them measure their carbon footprint.

Contact us today

Talk to us today
Menno Brumagne, Carbon Digitalisation Lead
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