Measure your scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions using methods aligned to Greenhouse Gas Emissions protocol.
What is the climate impact of your business? How big is your organisation's carbon footprint? How can you reduce emissions from your operations? Understanding your GHG footprint is the key first step on your climate leadership journey.
South Pole's consultants have a proven track record in GHG accounting & reporting; having delivered 200+ accounting assignments for products, events and organisations. We bring a wealth of experience supporting companies across a variety of sectors and reporting our results that are compatible with leading environmental indicators including Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and the CDP. Our broad range of expertise in corporate sustainability and GHG accounting also includes dedicated teams focused on the agriculture and finance sectors that can support you with addressing your portfolio and supply chain emissions respectively.
We are here to help you build your GHG inventory and understand your footprint. We can do this through providing you with a variety of different approaches; that can range from distributing surveys and data collection sheets or alternatively using our online proprietary GHG accounting and analytics packages.
Our team will be on hand to provide the appropriate solution for you.
There are three ways a business or organisation emits greenhouse gases and carbon through the use or consumption of energy. In our world we refer to them as 'scopes.'
These emissions result from sources directly owned or operated by you. For example, do you have a fleet of vehicles? Do they burn fossil fuel? Maybe you have buildings with boilers. Something as seemingly benign as neon signs can be REC-worthy.
These are emissions based on energy you purchase to directly operate your enterprise. The most common across-the-board example is - your electricity consumption.
Emissions resulting from activities not directly owned by your business but are associated with its operation. Examples; business travel, waste management, commuting, third-party distribution, etc.
We are a licensed partner to AccountAbility and can help you validate that your GHG accounting is accurate, reliable and transparent.
Disclaimer: To measure emissions from air travel, South Pole uses an RFI recommended by UK BEIS–a multiplier of 1.9 as a central estimate, based on research from the European Assessment of Transport Impacts on Climate Change and Ozone Depletion (ATTICA, and analysis by Lee et al (2009) reported on by the Committee on Climate Change (2009).
"Since we started to measure our climate impact, we have been able to put in efforts that have led to a reduction of our emissions, lower costs and increased understanding of the risks and opportunities related to climate change within our company and among our stakeholders. It's a win-win solution."
Svante Arrhenius was a Swedish scientist and 1903 Nobel Prize winner. In 1896, Arrhenius was the first person to investigate the greenhouse gas effect, i.e. the ability of carbon dioxide to trap heat in the atmosphere. He developed a theory to explain ice ages as being due to changes in the levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. It's in his honor we've named our exclusive IT solution to carbon footprint accounting. The Svante IT solution makes it possible for us to offer a choice of approaches to measure and monitor corporate GHG emissions.