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Better health for people and planet

South Pole offers a suite of solutions for pharmaceutical and healthcare organisations to support them on their climate journeys.

The healthcare industry has a surprisingly high carbon footprint and accounts for over 4% of global emissions.

Reducing carbon emissions and financing global climate action not only helps address climate change but has direct benefits on human health, improving outcomes and reducing costs.

Climate change impacts a wide-range of health outcomes. This slide illustrates the most significant climate change impacts (rising temperatures, more extreme weather, rising sea levels, and increasing carbon dioxide levels), their effect on exposures, and the subsequent health outcomes that can result from these changes in exposures. Source: US Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

Are you keen to assume leadership in your industry?

Find out where you stand and which actions you can take to improve your climate performance.


Evaluate your sustainability performance

Self-assessment to understand your sustainability performance against industry players and receive tailored recommendations to achieve your climate goals.


Read more about the key climate change challenges and opportunities for healthcare and pharma.

Download our report to find out more.

South Pole has been working with leading companies since 2006. Find a selection of our clients here.

How can your organisation plan for the future, demonstrate true leadership and reach net zero?

Read more about each step of your Climate Journey.

Measure Footprint & Risks

Read more about how climate change will affect your business.

Set targets & create roadmap

What does an ambitious target look like for your organisation?

Reduce footprint

What are the main sources of emissions in your sector?

Finance climate action

Why should you compensate for your GHG footprint and support climate action beyond your operations?

Communicate & Lead

How can you credibly communicate your climate action and position yourself as a leader?

Read more about how climate change will affect your business.

What does an ambitious target look like for your organisation?

What are the main sources of emissions in your sector?

Why should you compensate for your GHG footprint and support climate action beyond your operations?

How can you credibly communicate your climate action and position yourself as a leader?


Video: Your Climate Journey

Our mission: to accompany you in your sustainability strategy, through 5 key steps. Watch our video to find out more.

Contact us today

Contact South Pole Today
Contact South Pole Today

South Pole offers a suite of options for pharmaceutical and healthcare organizations seeking to lower their environmental footprint.

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