The 2019 Asia-Pacific High-Level Forum on Green Economy, is a result of the success of the annual, since 2014, World Green Economy Summit model and a direct response to the requests of participating countries and institutional partners to bring green economy solutions closer to the regional contexts and to deepen the impact of transition to a green economy through scaling up and replication of successful practices at the regional level. World Green Economy Summit (WGES) is one of the leading annual global forums on green economy that brings together world-class experts to focus on advancing the global Green Economy agenda and the path towards the implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Agenda 2030.
The Regional High-Level Forum on Green Economy is designed as an extension to WGES aiming to raise regional awareness by showcasing and scaling up the impact of successful evidence-based green economy solutions crafted and tested by countries in the Asia-Pacific Region in addressing sustainable development challenges pertinent to the needs and aspirations of the region.
South Pole's Yulia Dobrolyubova, Head of Climate Policy & Finance, Asia will be sharing her insights during the session on "Funding the sustainable development agenda through green finance: challenges and opprtunities".
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To get more information about the event, please click here.