Date: 22nd April
Time: 4 PM BST
How can businesses support a sustainable lifestyle in and outside of the workplace?
After a year in which the natural world has been our only respite from an otherwise virtual existence, research has found that humanity's attitude towards the climate crisis has changed dramatically.
Not only are people more concerned about the impact human beings are having on the environment, they are also more committed to changing their own behaviour to advance sustainability.
This Earth Day, as many economies begin to open up, we believe there is both a demand and opportunity for businesses to actively support their staff and consumers in living a more sustainable lifestyle.
So, to identify practical actions companies can take, we've gathered a panel of leading experts from businesses committed to making a difference.
Together, they'll explore what it means to work sustainably, and how business leaders can empower their staff and consumers to champion change.
Chaired by our Global Head of Sustainability, Pamela Stathaki the panel includes:
For more information and to register click here.