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What we do

Three areas of expertise. One world class offer.

With over 800 employees in more than 20 countries, we create global impact by helping organisations decarbonise and navigate the complexities of climate in ways that are good for business, people and planet.

Find and fund a world of impact projects
Environmental Certificates

Find and fund a world of impact projects

Understanding the fast changing market, plan a future-ready portfolio, choose purchase-ready carbon credits & environmental certificates, and invest in a long-term stream of carbon credits

Specialist in:

  • Carbon credits 
  • Energy Attribute Certificates
  • Biodiversity & other environmental credits
Ready your business for a sustainable future
Climate Consulting

Ready your business for a sustainable future

Navigate regulations then measure and report impact and risks. Transform your business by sett targets and roadmaps, mitigating risks and building resilience. Act on value chain by engaging internal and external stakeholders.

Specialist in: 

  • Environmental footprint
  • Net zero
  • Reporting and compliance
Finance decarbonisation at scale
Project Finance

Finance decarbonisation at scale

Evaluate your project’s feasibility and establish the best methodology. Design and action your project then earn carbon market certification and commercialise voluntary or Article 6 credits.

Specialist in:

  • Heavy industry
  • Nature-based removals
  • Tech-based removals

Who we work with

Why South Pole?

Unique experience

With 18 years experience, we can help you navigate challenges and changes in the market.

Specialist expertise

Climate is not something we do, it's what we do.

Global presence

With offices and representations in over 30 countries, we think global and act local.

Available Languages