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Opportunity to develop your climate action project

Together we can protect nature, empower communities and tackle the climate crisis.

We are offering land-owners, community groups, conservation organisations, and other groups who would benefit from climate finance, an opportunity to develop their own projects.

As a truly global environmental company, South Pole is uniquely positioned to support you in adding a sustainable and supplementary source of income to fund your Conservation and Restoration projects, your Large-scale nature based solutions or your Sustainable Technology projects. To find out if your project, or initiative, is eligible for this unique opportunity, we invite you to read on.

Conservation and Restoration projects

South Pole believes Nature-based Solutions (NBS) need to be a central part of the post-COVID green recovery. We are looking to facilitate climate finance to forestry and land-use projects that protect wildlife, empower communities and create sustainable economies.

Minimum Requirements

As your expert partner, South Pole will help channel climate finance and provide the technical know-how for you to measure, monitor and monetise the emission reductions achieved by your project. By developing carbon assets from your project you can earn an additional revenue stream to support your planet-saving activities.

To be considered projects must meet either of the following minimum requirements:

  • Ecosystem protection projects – minimum 10,000 ha of standing forest or larger than 5,000 hectares of carbon rich ecosystems, such as peat land or mangroves.
  • Restoration projects – must have the potential to restore at least 1,200 hectares

Why work with South Pole?

South Pole operates at the intersection of private sector investors and implementation partners, we are looking for projects that require upfront finance and expertise to generate certified emission reductions.

As a truly international carbon asset developer, we have the ability to close climate finance transactions around the world. Our diverse team efficiently structures, finances and helps implement NBS project development work.

What's in it for you?

In order to build and implement innovative solutions to address climate change, selected projects or partners will receive: support on financing options; high-level technical guidance; advisory covering the entire carbon development process.

Project delivery would be the full responsibility of the applicant, with South Pole guiding you from feasibility all the way through to issuing verified carbon credits and on-going monitoring.
We also provide the option of joining a community of practice, where South Pole and other relevant partners offer a mix of project specific support and general learning sessions, including basic training support to all successful applicants.

Detailed Project Requirements

REDD+ (Forest Protection & Conservation)

  • The focus is mid and large scale project areas >10,000 hectares of standing forest; (or more than 5,000 hectares in carbon rich environments such as peat or mangroves)
  • Has a well defined and existing management plan for the area (or willing to work with others to develop one if they do not have the technical capacity to do so)
  • Have well established and positive relationships with communities in the immediate area of the project

General Requirements

  • Clear understanding of socioeconomic and biophysical drivers of deforestation
  • Demonstrable capacity to address these drivers
  • Demonstrable understanding of local and regional ecology
  • Land tenure and carbon rights are secured or demonstrable understanding of process to secure

Please note: we require maps of the project area (maps file types: .kml, .kmz, or .shp)

Desirable: The activities will create/protect habitat of endangered species

Forest Restoration

  • Potential to restore at least 1,200 ha
  • Demonstrable restoration experience which can be built upon and scaled - minimum 100 ha already under restoration management
  • Forest restoration/management plan has been developed or partner organisation has the capacity to develop one with limited technical support
  • If the reforestation is in a commercial plantation - would need to either have FSC, or have at least 10% of non-commercial areas for conservation purposes
    • Should not be a monoculture plantation
    • Should be planted with a significant proportion of native tree species

How to apply

Complete our online eligibility questionnaire

Please be aware that meeting the basic requirements does not guarantee support or partnership with South Pole. All submissions within a calendar month are reviewed, as a group, after the end of the month. Applicants will be notified prior to the end of the subsequent calendar month of the status of their submission. Proposals will be open until further notice. Is your project eligible?

Apply now here

For questions or comments, please contact

Large-scale Nature-based Solutions

Work with South Pole to benefit from our fund, established specifically to implement or up-scale nature-based climate action projects. We will provide technical know-how to measure, monitor and monetise the emission reductions achieved by your project.

Minimum Requirements

Work with South Pole to benefit from our fund, established specifically to implement or up-scale nature-based climate action projects. We will provide technical know-how to measure, monitor and monetise the emission reductions achieved by your project. To be eligible, projects must meet either of the following requirements:

  • Ecosystem protection projects – minimum 50,000 hectares of standing forest or larger than 7,500 hectares of carbon rich ecosystems, such as peat land or mangrove forest.
  • Restoration projects – must have potential to restore at least 500 hectares per year for 10 years

Why work with South Pole?

South Pole operates at the intersection of private sector investors and implementation partners, we are looking for projects that require upfront finance and expertise to generate certified emission reductions.

As a truly international carbon asset developer, with over 1000 experts in 41 offices, we have the ability to close climate finance transactions around the world. Our diverse team efficiently structures, finances and helps implement NBS project development work.

What's in it for you?

In order to build and implement innovative solutions to address climate change, selected projects or partners will receive: support on financing options; high-level technical guidance; advisory covering the entire carbon development process.

Project delivery would be the full responsibility of the applicant, with South Pole guiding you from feasibility all the way through to issuing verified carbon credits and on-going monitoring.

We also provide the option of joining a community of practice, where South Pole and other relevant partners offer a mix of project specific support and general learning sessions, including basic training support to all successful applicants.

Detailed Project Requirements

REDD+ (Forest Protection & Conservation)

  • The focus is on large scale project areas >50,000 hectares of standing forest; (or more than 7,500 hectares in carbon rich environments such as peat or mangroves)
  • Forest management plan has been developed or partner organisation has the capacity to develop one with limited technical support
  • Have well established and positive relationships with communities in the immediate area of the project

General Requirements

  • Clear understanding of socioeconomic and biophysical drivers of deforestation
  • Demonstrable capacity to address these drivers
  • Demonstrable understanding of local and regional ecology
  • Land tenure and carbon rights are secured or demonstrable understanding of process to secure

Please note: we require maps of the project area (maps file types: .kml, .kmz, or .shp)

Desirable: The activities will create/protect habitat of endangered species

Forest Restoration

  • Potential to restore at least 500 ha/yr for 10 years
  • Demonstrable restoration experience which can be built upon and scaled - minimum 500 ha already under restoration management
  • Forest restoration/management plan has been developed or partner organisation has the capacity to develop one with limited technical support
  • If the reforestation is in a commercial plantation - would need to either have FSC, or have at least 10% of non-commercial areas for conservation purposes.
    • Should not be a monoculture plantation
    • Should be planted with a significant proportion of native tree species

How to apply

Complete our online eligibility questionnaire

Please be aware that meeting the basic requirements does not guarantee support or partnership with South Pole. All submissions within a calendar month are reviewed, as a group, after the end of the month. Applicants will be notified prior to the end of the subsequent calendar month of the status of their submission. Proposals will be open until further notice. Is your project eligible?

Apply now here

For questions or comments, please contact

Renewable Energy, Community based projects, Industrial Processes and Transportation

Protecting the environment, strengthening green businesses, empowering communities and combating the climate crisis – together.

Minimum Requirements

We offer non-profit organisations, communities,companies that are currently contributing to environmental protection and other groups the opportunity to access climate finance and acquire an additional and sustainable income by developing certified climate projects.

To find out if your project or initiative may be eligible to benefit from this opportunity, please read on.

Why work with South Pole?

South Pole is a global company focused on environmental solutions with more than 1000 experts in 41 global offices, which allows us to have a broad knowledge and interdisciplinary experience in sustainability with a global impact and local presence.

What's in it for you?

In order to build and implement innovative solutions to address climate change, selected projects or partners will receive: support on financing options; high-level technical guidance; advisory covering the entire carbon development process.

Project delivery would be the full responsibility of the applicant, with South Pole guiding you from feasibility all the way through to issuing verified carbon credits and on-going monitoring.

We also provide the option of joining a community of practice, where South Pole and other relevant partners offer a mix of project specific support and general learning sessions, including basic training support to all successful applicants.

How to apply?

Complete our online questionnaire.

Apply now

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Discover our projects

Explore a selection of our certified climate action projects. They deliver measurable benefits to create healthy ecosystems, thriving communities and prosperous economies.


Develop your climate action project

Since 2006, South Pole has worked with hundreds of landholders, farm owners, and conservation organisations to identify and support emission reductions from nature-based projects worldwide.


Purchase carbon credits and finance climate action

Choose from one of the world’s largest portfolio of high-integrity climate action projects to drive credible climate action and sustainable development around the world.

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